Javin Elliff Photography



Winter Shots

An assortment of photos from several trips.


Elk Rut Round Three

One last trip looking for Roosevelt elk during the rut.

Elk Rut Round Two

Roosevelt elk sightings from a few day trips.

Elk Rut Round One

I spent a week looking for Roosevelt elk during their mating season.

Rainforest Views

Scenic photos from a week-long backpacking trip in the rainforest.

Scorched Forest

A hike through a burn.

Wild Weasel

Photos from an encounter with a weasel in the mountains.

July Hikes

Photos from three hikes in the Cascades so far this month.

Nameless Creek

Photos of a creek and waterfalls.

A Wild Place

Exploring a wild valley in the rainforest.

Spring Medley

Website Redesign

New website introduction.

Winter Waterfalls

A few photos of waterfalls in the winter.


Snapshots from the Rockies

Snapshot photos from a hunting trip in the Rockies.

Rainforest Bulls

Photos of Roosevelt elk from a backpacking trip in the rainforest.